Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A little deeper- My Journey

I found this blog the other day. I found it on Pinterest (My FAVE site) I wanted to share it with everyone. See I have always had a problem with my weight. I can lose it easy, but I always gain it back. When I was little I was always told it was "baby" fat. When I went into middle school I was so unhappy I decided to change my ways but I did it all the wrong way. I starved myself. I weighed 90lbs in 7th grade. Seems like very little but I am only 4'9 so it was healthy for me, but as soon as I started eating I started gaining it all back. Highschool I was in a size 7 (135). After highschool I got back down to a healthy 115 but then I started drinking and partying and gianed it all back. By 19 I got pregnant, had my first daughter at 20. 6 months later I was pregnant again, gave myself no time to get back into shape. After my second daughter (I had her in December) the pounds shed off. I lost 45 pounds in 3 weeks and by the time I started looking for wedding dresses I weighed 130. I was 175 when I delivered Madilynn. So it was a significant weightloss. After I got married I gained all my weight back. I now weigh the same I did when I was delivered my first Daughter. I have been in a VERY deep depression lately. I dont look into mirrors because it makes me cry, I eat fat foods because they make me feel good, I put myself down constantly to a point it pushes my husband away. After reading this blog I am going to post I have decided it is time for a change. I have TWO very beautiful girls who I want to be a great role model for. I want them to see me happy and be proud of who I am. Another reason is Diabetes runs in my family, I dont want to shorten my life because of something I have control over. So throughout this journey I will post Picture record my weight and share tips and trick I learn along the way! I will also provide recipes I use. http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/mystory           
---------- The blog that inspired me!


  1. I can totally relate you you girl!
    I constantly put myself down because of my weight and my husband gets so mad! It's just so hard to be positive sometimes. This year I made a new year resolution to grow closer to God and become a better person and I can tell you in just a few days of reading the bible and trying to think positive has really made a difference. Just remember, you are beautiful, God loves you for the beauty that is in your heart. To him you were to die for :)

    We just get so caught up in how the world wants us to look, we forget about what is truly important.

  2. Hey Courtney I gave you an award on my blog. Go see!!
